10 Things Every First Time Mum Needs to Know


1. You’re not going to know what you’re doing straight away… but that’s okay, because neither does anyone else.

2. You will sleep again, it might be a few months but you will.

3. Everything and I mean everything is a phase.

4. The 4th trimester is a real thing, and newborn are generally quite angry that they’re no longer in the womb.

5. Everyone will have to deal with a poonami situation at some point… or several.

6. It’s fine if your baby sleeps on you, they’re not going to sleep on you forever.

7. If you don’t feel like having visitors round, you don’t need to. You can say no.

8. Everyone reaches the point where they need a break, so don’t feel bad about it.

9. ‘You’ time is SO important, whether that’s a long shower or going for a walk by yourself. Do something that makes you feel good.

10. And finally, don’t beat yourself up over every tiny mistake. Mum guilt is the worst. You already have so much else going on so give yourself a break.
