Tips On Growing Your Instagram

Tips on getting more Instagram followers

Regular Posting- The key to growing anything whether it be your blog, YouTube or Instagram is posting regularly so that you keep appearing on peoples timelines. The more people that like and comment on yours photos the more chance you have of other users finding you.

Getting Regrammed– It’s no secret that getting regrammed by someone which thousands of followers is the quickest way to grow you account. In order to get noticed you need to make sure you tag and mention every brand that features in your photo and use relevant hashtags.  

Commenting is another quick way to get your profile seen by lots of different people. By regularly commenting on accounts similar to yours means that their followers will probably also like your feed and follow you.

Peak Times- I would say the best times to post on Instagram are 9am, 12pm and between 6-7pm. These are the times that most people are on social media and it means you’re more likely to get noticed and get more likes.

Flat Lays- Finally I want to talk about Flat Lays as these are images that I love to post and love seeing on Instagram. I also find that other people love these and they get the most love from both brands and followers.
