How To Take Great Blog Photos

I think the key to any great blog is having beautiful photos that really engage the reader. You don’t need to have fancy editing software to achieve amazing photos but I thought I would share some of my tips on how I take my photos for my blog posts. 

Arrangement- If you can arrange the layout of your photo in a professional way then you’re half way there in taking lovely photos. When taking blog photos I’ll often take a number of pictures of different arrangements before I’m happy with the final photo. I also think that it’s good to try different compositions to see what works for the post. 

Background- I like really clean backgrounds as I think they place more of the focus on the products and make them stand out. I’ve recently been taking all my blog and Instagram photos on these wooden floorboard panels as I think it gives a really clean look. I think it’s also good to make your photos recognizable to your blog so that when people see an image they associate it with your blog.

Movement- I often find that when a photo looks boring it’s because there isn’t any movement or life in the photo. By that I mean using your hand to hold a product or adding in props like flowers, candles or jewellery to make the image a bit more exciting. 

Editing- Once I’m happy with photo I will then begin to edit the amount of light in the photo because I think bright and white photos look really nice on blogs. The quickest way to make the white in photos really bright is by adjusting the curves, this brightens the whole image and generally makes everything look really crisp. I will then increase the sharpness to make everything really clear and stand out. 

Camera- You don’t necessarily need an expensive or fancy camera for blog photos as I think iPhone’s take really high quality photos. I use the Canon 600D camera with an ESF 18-55mm lens, which takes really lovely photos and blurs out backgrounds really nicely. It’s also the camera I use to film all my videos for my YouTube channel. If you love taking photos and want to really give running a blog a good go then I would recommend buying a decent camera as it makes a big difference to your images and overall look of your blog. 
