Mason Jar Salad Recipe

When working in an office it can get quite hard to think of health lunch ideas all the time and I’m often too lazy to make my lunches the night before. 

I was recently browsing through Pinterest (when am I not?!) and I came across mason jar salads. The idea behind them is you can prepare 4-5 salad pots for the week that will stay fresh and make it super easy to eat healthy.

Mason Jar Salad Recipe

The order you prepare your salad pots is key to keeping the ingredients fresh all week. You basically want to keep any wet ingredients at the bottom and the bits you want to keep dry at the top. 

The bottom layer is where you place your salad dressing or vinaigrette.

Next add in anything big and chunky to keep the rest of the ingredients dry.

Lastly you want to add in leafy greens so they last the longest. 

To make my Kale Salad Jar you will need:

A mason jar

As much kale as you like

1 Sweet potatoe

1 avocado 

A handful of feta cheese

A handful of tomatoes 

A handful of olives

A creamy salad dressing

You could also add quinoa to this but I didn’t have any in the house.

Mason Jar Salad Recipe

Mason Jar Salad Recipe

Mason Jar Salad Recipe

Before starting your salad pot you’ll need to peel a sweet potatoe and cut it up into small chunks. 

Cover them in a good amount of olive oil and place in the oven at 200 °C for around 15-20 minutes.

Leave these on the side to cool then start preparing your salad.

Firstly add in your dressing, then place a layer of feta cheese on top. 

Then add in a handful of olives or chunks of avocado. 

Next pop in some tomatoes to add a bit of zesty flavour and colour.

Once the sweet potatoes are cool add in a hefty layer as these will be the bulk of your salad. 

Lastly add in as much steamed kale as you can fit in then you’re done!

Mason Jar Salad Recipe

Mason Jar Salad Recipe

To absorb any excess moisture and to keep the jars fresh all week add a layer of kitchen paper on top before sealing.

Then pop them in the fridge and you’ve got a bunch of delicious healthy lunches for the whole week!

Mason Jar Salad Recipe
