Dove Gradual Tan

I’m part
Irish, which means that I have the pastey white skin that doesn’t tan very much
to match. This also means that I am somewhat of an expert on gradual tanners and
fake tan’s; it’s fair to say that over the years I have tried my fair share of
fake tan products.

Now that I’m
out of uni I’m much more of a fan of the subtle tan you get with a developing moisturiser,
and for that I love Dove’s Gradual Tan.

For me, a
gradual tanner should be a moisturiser that you can put on in the morning and
allow to develop throughout the day without the biscuity reminder that you have
fake tan on. The Dove Gradual Tan does exactly that. It soaks into your skin quite quickly just
as a normal moisturiser should  and then
develops into a lovely natural looking tan throughout the day. I think I picked
mine up from Boots/Superdrug for around £4.99, so it’s really not that
expensive and my bottle has lasted for almost a year; I do only use it in the
summer though.

I use the one for medium/dark skin, which gives a lovely natural looking colour and isn’t too dark. I think the light shade might be too su subtle.

For other gradual tanners Garnier do quite a good one, and the St Tropez one if okay, but not nearly as good as Dove’s (plus is more than double the price). I’ve also recently used the Palmers gradual tanner and I may be alone here but I really, really don’t like the smell or the greasy application. But then I know a lot of other people like it, so each to their own. 
